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Céline Art Languages

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"The best of the world lies within the many worlds that it contains, 
the different music of life, its pains and its colors: 
the thousand and one ways to live and to speak,
to think and to create, to eat, dance, 
play, love, suffer and celebrate."

Eduardo Galeano

"As a teacher and a translator I put my expertise and passion in languages to honor the diversity of our world and contribute to make it accessible to all."

Expert in French, Spanish & English Languages

About Me

       As far as I remember, I’ve been inhabited by a deep fascination for the diversity of our world. I am passionate about everything related to customs, languages, regional gastronomy and exotic landscapes. Pushed by these interests, my life quickly acquired an international dimension. Born and raised in a small village in the North of France, I couldn’t wait to see the world. My journey overseas started when I was 22 and still lasts. In these 15 years I’ve been living and traveling in many different countries like Spain, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, the US, Marocco, etc.

       Even if in my first years in College I had already studied languages, it is the huge feeling of satisfaction I experience living in a permanent cultural exchange and multilingual environment that reaffirmed my conviction that linguistics was the perfect field for me to develop my professional activity. I obtained  my Bachelor’s Degree for teaching French as a foreign language in 2010 and my Master’s degree in Translation and subtitling in 2017 and I started building my experience in these two fields straight away.


Here are some organizations I worked or still work with

as a Teacher :

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AF logo.png
Bcn languages logo.png

And some customers who trusted me

as a Translator :

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SeedFreedom logo.png
TalyCual Producciones logo.png
Imageen logo.webp
Maccourry films logo.jpg
Wordminds logo.webp
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